Thursday, November 3, 2011

Quiet time Hints

It's hard for many on us to find quiet times with the Lord, me included, as I don't sit quiet for any length of time in the first place but after reading this I felt very convicted and am making a better effort to do this daily.
Its  taken out of a book written by Elisabeth Elliot, sit back and take in what this is saying to your heart.

Having a quiet time with the Lord every day is absolutely essential if you expect to grow spiritually. But you have to plan it. It won't "just happen." We're all much too busy. Early morning is best, and there are plenty of scriptural precedents for that (Jesus rose "a great while before day"; the psalmist said," In the morning shalt Thou hear my voice"). If you meet the Lord before you meet anybody else,  you'll be pointed in the right direction" for whatever comes. God knows how difficult it is for some to do this, and if you have a reason you can offer Him why early morning won't work, I'm sure He'll help you to find another time. Sometimes the children's afternoon nap time can be quiet time for a mother. At any rate, plan the time. Make up your mind to stick with it. Make it short to begin with---fifteen minutes or so, perhaps. You'll be surprised at how soon you'll be wanting more.
Take a single book of the Bible. If you're new at this, start with the Gospel of Mark. Pray, first, for the Holy Spirit's teaching. Read a few verses, a paragraph, or chapter. Then ask, What does this passage teach me about: (1) God, (2) Jesus Christ, (3) the Holy Spirit, (4) myself, (5) sins to confess or avoid, (6) commands to obey, (7) what Christian love is?
Keep a notebook. Write down some of your special prayer requests with the date. Record the answer when it comes. Note, also, some of  the answers you've found to the above questions, or anything else you've learned. Tell your children, your spouse, your friends some of these things. That will help you to remember them. You'll be amazed at what a difference a quiet time will male in your life.

I thought this might inspire others like it did me so I'm passing in on, I'm not very good at keeping a note book or a journal. But for me just taking/making the time to read the Word is a major step in the right direction.


Mari said...

This is an excellent piece of advice and information. I like the questions she shared to use in study time. Thanks - I need to work on this too.

Connie said...

Thanks for the fine suggestions about spending time with God. I needed this.

Shelly said...

Nanc-you have spoken! This is great advice. I just want you to know that I look up to you and am inspired by you. You are a great woman and a person can learn by watching you. Love you!

Love the picture too!

Cathy said...

Thanks for that post, my friend. I love Elisabeth Elliott, used to listen to her a lot and read her books.Blessings !