Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Apperently~~~ I got some learnin to do

Well, today after Bible study, (which was great by the way but will be a whole other post) I stopped at a roadside produce stand.  You can see in the picture what I bought.
I thought these cute little peppers were just a small under grown version of our regular sweet peppers that come in all colors these days. I did think the darker green ones were hot peppers but for 25 cents I thought what the heck I can add them to salads or chop them up into chili, or golash or whatever.
Well, they are not regular small size sweet peppers!!! They are habanero's!!! One of the hottest peppers you can get. Ya~~~ for those of you who don't know about habaneros , just in case you happen to stop by this same produce stand. These habaneros, pronounced Ha bahn air oh can eat the skin off your hands. Yup, they are very very hot!!! The oil in the habanero, as well as other hot chiles, can be very painful if you get in in your eyes or on open wounds or bare skin. They come in varies colors, orange, red,white, brown and pink.Most habaneros rate 200,000 to 300,000 scoville heat units.. Yeee Ha !!! Thats hot!!!
You will be happy to know that I did not burn the skin off my hands or get any into my eyes but I do have some cut up into a salad that I made just for me tomorrow for lunch... Hummm I wonder if I will be able to actually eat that salad??? I may have to don some gloves and pick them out before attempting to consume my lunch salad. Posted by Picasa


Mari said...

Now that could be a surprise, had you just started chopping. You better check your lunch out before tomorrow, because you still have to work after eating it!

Cheri said...

Can you please wait to eat that until 1:30 when I get to work to see it! I know how hot those buggers are and I wouldn't touch that salad with a 10 foot pole!

Connie said...

I agree with you they are "HOT"

Susan said...

Did you eat them? Most people cannot. I wouldn't and I was born and raised in NM on hot foods!!!

Aspiemom said...

That's so funny! I think the only peppers hotter are the ghost peppers.

Wow, I wouldn't eat that salad even with the peppers removed - I bet it would still burn you! But if you do...do it in front of Cheri so she get's some entertainment out of it!

Fitter After 50 said...

I've HEARD they are hot and have decided to take others' word for it. You won't find me with fork in hand to join you in your salad; that's for sure. :)

Shelly said...

Holy Hotness! I bet that was a surprise!