Sunday, March 4, 2012


Christians are not sinless, they are confessors!!!
Do you live in the light or in the dark????
If we live in the light of the risen Son we have benefits that far out weight our worldly insurance plans.
We have liberty, meaning we are set free from sin through the blood of Christ.
In Christ we are light.
We have security, meaning we have an advocate with the Father through Jesus. We are incapable of NOT sinning, its our nature. We were born in sin, but Jesus has taken our sins upon himself and cleared us. He took our sin and we can not out sin the death of Jesus.
1 John 2:2 and He Himself is the propitiation for ours sins; and not for ours only but also for those of the whole world.
How do we know if we are saved??? Not just because we prayed a prayer, or walked an aisle. Do we have the certainty of salvation??? Has our life style reflected a changed heart??? Are we obedient?? Do we keep the commandments, and live out God's word by reading it daily?? Are we motivated by Christ and our love for Him??
Stay faithful, be focused, be fruitful, walk faultless, and be humble.
Here's some verses for you to look up:
John 14:31
john 6:38
Matthew 20:26
II Cor 5:21
Philippians 2:5-8
Salvation is always a present reality
A changed life =180 degree change from what we once were!!
Praise God for His Son!!!

1 comment:

Mari said...

Good post Nancy - fits right in with our message this morning!