Friday, June 24, 2011


 Its been a long time since I have had the laughter of children and pitter patter of little footsteps around me so, when I get the chance to have Lil P at my house its always a joy.

He discovered the cherub bird bath when we were outside exploring the yard and before I knew it he was giggling and having a blast splashing all over himself..

We couldn't stay outside to long because it was that one day with 90 degree temps and I didn't want him to get to much sun. So we went inside to fold some clothes.
Of course some where along the trip of getting the clothes basket he found my stethoscope and was testing that out. I think it must have tasted pretty good or else felt cool on the gums with the new teeth that are breaking through.

I would fold and he would unfold but we did manage to get the whole bassket folded eventually. That's another thing I had forgotten, that it takes twice as long to get anything done with a little one under foot.

He's been on stroller rides before but I don't think he has ever been on a wagon ride so when I first put him in the wagon he wasn't to sure about the whole process, but once we got going he started to giggle and it was all good.Having this child around me just warms my heart and brings laughter to anyone he is around. I don't think I enjoyed my own children as much as I do the grand kids or as this one is great grand.I don't have a crib anymore so great grandma's bed worked just fine with pillows all around so he didn't tumble off.  His mom says he only cat naps during the day but with all the activity and new adventures with me he slept an hour.I'm not sure who had more fun him or me, but I do know when he went home it was nap time for me!!!
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Mari said...

He is so cute, and I love his ever present smile! What a joy for you to spend time with him.

Glenda said...

He's precious! And I can so identify with needing a nap after the grands are gone . . . but they are so much fun and the time we spend with them is priceless!

Susan said...

How precious, how innocent, how joyeous, how trusting, how wonderful. Oh, that we would be like that with our Heavenly Father. Thanks for sharing!!

Connie said...

He is adorable... We're patiently waiting for greats. Looks like you had losts of fun. I agree when you said about enjoying our own children as must but remember we had them 24/7 and also had all the other work to get done. Enjoy.

Shelly said...

Aw, I love this story! He is such a cutie and you are an awesome Great Grandma. What a nice day the two of you had.