Have you ever had one of those days when you would just like to crawl back in bed and start the day over??? Today was it for me and I'm sure a few others would say the same thing at my place of work. It has been very very intense, tense and to make my point, extremely intense at work lately. I will spare you the details, but it started way back in July when we had our State Inspections only to be followed with the Federal Inspectors
right on their heels. Then we had a new corporation take over with all of their consultants to introduce new policies, forms, and more forms, protocols and procedures, who have been in the building for the last month. Kinda like to many cooks in the kitchen, with each one giving us different recipes to follow.
I generally have a very calm, unruffled, accepting friendly nature, but there was a time in my life that this was not so, before I became a Christian I had a very bad temper and what I referred to as a black mood. Now, since the Lord has changed my heart my temper rarely rises to the surface and black moods are gone...but lately I know I have not made my heavenly Father very happy. I have lost my temper, my patience, and in general my mood is not calm accepting or friendly, and I might add quite ruffled!!1
Even some of my co-worker have said. "my I have never seen that side of you before" I have not been setting very good examples for sure!!!
"But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared" Psalm 130:4
Oh, yes thank you Lord!!!
There have even been tears shed by just about everyone at work, including me. Because of the situation we have found ourselves in, the unpleasant nature called the flesh that everyone has within, has risen to the surface to show its ugly head in the form of curt words, grumbling under our breath and total chaos in transacting to our new paper work. I know in my heart we will get through this and one day look back on it as just another trial that we needed to overcome.
But in the mean time I need to apologize to any one I have been harsh with or spoke out of anger or frustration. I pray that my Father will once again give me the sweet spirit that I seem to have temporarily lost and am feeling convicted of. I want to point people in the direction of our Lord and not away from Him. I will not do this if my attitude or actions show anything other than love.
Psalm 40:3 "And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in Jehovah"
I am ever so thankful for my heavenly Father who convicts my heart and keeps me on the path that leads only to Him.
I have tomorrow off and I think the Lord knew I needed that as well. Come Friday I will take on the armour and the challenge to be obedient to my savior.
So sorry you had a horrible day Nancy, I am glad you have the day off tomorrow to recharge :)
It was a day, wasn't it? I gave Heather a scare when I came home looking like a wreck! I do think it will get better, but it certainly gets draining working long hours under these conditions! I'm hoping tomorrow is a little less pressure filled and I'm looking forward to the weekend with you!
Well the bright side....Ouch! There is one. Despite your temper and black mood showing up, you really do have a way to shine for the Lord. If you go to those whom you know your actions hurt and apologize, whether you're right or wrong, they were still hurt, will speak volumes. How many folks out there DON'T do that? See, an oppportunity to shine for Him still. You're human and I doubt that there's anyone amongst us who wouldn't have the same reactions or be honest enough to admit it. :)
I'm so sorry you guys are having to deal with that. I know Mari's been frustrated too.
I loved that one of the other nurses or aides got after them for swearing!
Thank goodness for 1John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous." How often ALL of us need this Christian bar of soap.
I admire you for being forthright enough to acknowledge this publically.
We are all human, so therefore we will have bad days. My temper is one of my weeknesses as well. I'm so glad our Lord is so merciful and forgiving.
Hugs, Lisa
Oh, Nancy I'm so sorry that you had such a bad day. I know that every person there has been feeling about the same way regardless of there position. I think that everyone there feels that pressure. You know my temper too and I can tell you that soon you will feel better. Ask then forget and carry on......your friend......k
Nanc, my sweet Nanc!
You are always so kind and everyone can see that Jesus shines through you. There is nothing wrong with standing up for what is right. I am going to type that letter up and then you guys can add to it if you want.
We as caregivers are there for the people that we take care of and that need us. Too bad that big corporations or people that think they know it all have to have a say in things and don't do what is best for the people.
Palin would not have that!!!!!!
I do miss working with you and the rest of the caring gang!
I am so sorry that you are having a really back working environment to put up with. I don't have a temper but I would get depressed. In whatever way we respond, we have to seek the Lord's help.
When I was teaching, I endured terrible persecution. I was afraid to go to work every day. But as I look back now, God used that situation to help me see that whether persecuted or not, we need to be connected to him about everything. Even as Christians we have a tendency of going our own way and asking God to bless us in our plans when maybe He has other plans.
Something good will come of all of this, but you will not see it until you look through the review mirror, so to speak.
For me, I needed to see God at work in my life and going before me and doing things I would never have been able to do. So many times, He just showed up!
May the Lord reveal to you that he is right there in the boat with you as the storm goes on around you. Peace!
Thank you for you visit and your kinds words of affirmation today, Nancy. I pray the Lord will carry you on the wings of others' prayers as you through your situation as well.
Bless your heart, dear. I'm sorry you all are going through such a hard time, under so much stress and pressure. But I think your reactions are normal. Just pray for the Lord to give you wisdom, strength to endure and patience! I always used to pray for the first two at work. I do hope things will improve soon.
Love and Hugs,
Oh Nancy. That's rough. I can't imagine you having a black mood! Things must be rough there. But hang in there. And you are still a good witness because you realized how you're acting isn't good when some people would say that it's justified. Things will get better soon!
You too shall overcome these obstacles.
I have that same red flower in my yard. Well, I did, not blooming anymore.
Take Care!
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