Black Walnut Pie
A few days ago I humored a some of you with how I collected walnuts off the ground and harvested them for use in making pies etc. I found a recipe for this black walnut pie on the internet and today gave it a try.
We had a piece of it for dessert tonight at dinner and if I don't say so my self it was pretty good. It has that real walnut flavor that you just don't get with the store bought walnuts, its a lot like the recipes for pecan pie, so it's full of sugar. Something my husband loves so I got his approval. I'm not so sure I'm ready to go into the walnut harvesting business tho, it was just one of those things that I wanted to do because I can. You can read about the harvest process in one of my earlier posts if you are ever so inclined to try it yourself. However, I had one of my friends send me an email just to say it is soooooo much easier just to buy them at the store, and she is right. I probably will not go to this much trouble for walnuts again, but it was fun once.
Ohhh, that looks soooo good:) I dont think I could go through the process you did with all those walnuts!! but it looks like it was worth it:)
Hey,thanks for stopping by. I scrolled down and read about the gathering process that led to your pie.Sounds like fun.
I remember picking up pecans with my grandfather--good memories. They had huge pecan trees and it was alot of fun gathering them because we knew grandma would turn them into something good.
The pie looks great. I am sure your hubby really enjoyed all your hard work.
I must say that is a nice looking pie, but I haven't changed my opinion on walnuts!
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills
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