The weather cooperated, the company was good and the food was delish!!!!
This family has the hardest time getting together but last night we did our best and several of us managed to gather for one last chance to have a family picnic, before we all get to busy with holidays that are not that far away. Someone said the other day we have 14 weeks to Christmas!!!!! Yikes,
But I'm off the subject, back to the story .
This family has the hardest time getting together but last night we did our best and several of us managed to gather for one last chance to have a family picnic, before we all get to busy with holidays that are not that far away. Someone said the other day we have 14 weeks to Christmas!!!!! Yikes,
But I'm off the subject, back to the story .
This is my sister-in -law on the left we almost lost her last spring when she had a sudden cardiac arrest, but as you can see she is alive and well. Thanks to fast action on my brother, paramedics and good Dr's care. On the right is my sister, when ever we get together we always have a few good laughs, her husband had to work but in a couple more days it will be their second anniversary. Happy Anniversary you two, still newly weds!!!
We even had the unusual appearance of my son, who never seems to make it to anything, mostly because he lives further away and works some strange hours. This family is slowly acquiring more little people too, here seated is Trevor in the yellow and next to him is his mom holding the youngest on this side of the family, Jenna she is just 2 months old and last night was the first time many of us got to meet her.
Of course these faces are familiar to anyone who knows me or follows on facebook, Sweetman and little Orion our Great grandson. Here's a closer look at Jenna, she looks like she isn't to sure about this whole thing, but didn't seem to mind getting pasted around and loved on all evening.
We used to have family times more often for picnics, birthdays, and just fun times but since losing both parents it seems so hard for all of us to find time to gather, I always envie families who live close to one another and meet often just for fun. Its not that we don't keep in touch but just don't see one another very much. Do any of you find that is the case after losing parents the family grows away from each other?.

What a nice time! Glad you could get a bunch together and enjoy each others company!
I find too that it is hard to get together with our family after the parents are gone. For us it seems there are those who want to stay together and then there are those who could care less. That makes it hard. My family get together every 3 months or so but my husbands family not so much. We do keep in touch by phone or facebook but not to actually spend time together. Someday we will be sorry for that.
sounds like you had a marvelous get together. Glad your Son could even make it.
Yes, it is difficult to get people together, even if they only live a couple hours away. Life gets busy in our own lives and then try to scrunch in some other family or friends time is difficult.
I would have to answer your question as to when both parents die, it is harder to get together. Not sure if it is just because don't make it a point to do it or just too busy. Especially when all get along.
Just have to set a day and the ones that can make it, come and then set another day.
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