Monday, April 20, 2009


I am really still here just haven't much to say lately, well that really isn't true I always have something to say but just seem to have this quiet time that I have been going through. Nothing wrong just quiet.
Have any of you ever had this??? Lately when I get online I spend my time doing more reading and surfing other blogs, there is so many creative people out there that I find it fascinating, inspiring, and even educational, so for now I'm just here but quiet...


Mari said...

Hmmm - I don't know about that quiet part. Glad you are still here though! ;)

Unknown said...

I find myself in a lot of those quiet moments as of late.Take care. Lisa

Cherdecor said...

Sometimes we have so many thoughts that it is just hard to get them separated. I am a web thinker, myself. It drives some people batty!

Sandra said...

I'm glad you're still around, either way...but it IS nice to hear from you :)

All My Blessings said...

I know exactly what you mean....Kae