Friday, January 23, 2009

Obedience and spending time with the Father

I seem to have the shortest attention span ever. It seems lately as soon as I sit down to read my Bible I suddenly think of a million and one things I should be doing. The dishwasher needs to be emptied or turned on what ever the case, the laundry needs to be done, I really need to clean the bathrooms, time to do something other than sit quietly, on and on...

I have always had a hard time sitting for very long without having something else going on. Its all about multitasking, I'm sure. Women have this ability not men in case you haven't noticed.

I try to tell myself this is real spiritual warfare and nothing is more important than talking with my Heavenly Father but the random thoughts continue to invade. My scripture memorizing is just as bad as my attention span. I guess perseverance is the key to my malay and I just need to persist. And trust that I will grow in my walk as my Father has promised. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you John 14:26

Even Jesus needed to get away from the crowds to have time with the Father, but he also experienced interruptions. The key is to be able to recognize and ignore the unnecessary distractions but be sensitive to divine interruptions. We need to be tuned to the will of the Father to be able to discern when interruptions are God-sent or just something we feel necessary. Blessed are those who hear the work of God and keep it!! Luke 11:28

If there are any of you who struggle with this same thing, hang in there and keep praying for God to help us realize we don't need to jump to answer the phone or get that load of laundry in right this minute, and the world won't stop if we haven't got the house straightened up. What's more important than talking to the creator of the universe???
You will experience sweet blessings I can guarantee that..


All My Blessings said...

Nancy, I sometimes think we are sisters by nature, if you know what I mean. My mother-in-law told me this same thing and I did. She reminded me that I deserve it and the chores will still be there the next day. Now I have no clean dishes, 3 loads of laundry and I vacuumed this morning. I love my life and thank God every day...Kae

Mari said...

I have the same problem. Just this morning I was trying to read my devotional and my mind went off to several places but I'll keep at it.

Susan said...

It's called flesh and it's further called dying to flesh...a life long job and journey. But, we are commanded to do so.

Cherdecor said...

That is the way I am too. It is hard for me to sit in a mess to read, sew or to do anything that doesn't get my surroundings in order.
It seems like my mind will not stop. Sometimes I just have to rein it in and whip it into shape. Yeah, it is the flesh, for sure. I want to do what I want to do and not what I should do. Let's all hang together.

Unknown said...

That's encouraging to know I'm not the only one.. Your right it is the flesh and we all need to whip ourselves into shape to stay in the word. Praise God for His mercy on us.

Anonymous said...

Those things only bombard us WHEN we make an effort to get with God. It takes me awhile to focus first thing in the morning but I sit there until I am. I don't get up because I know that when I am ready to go on to the next thing, after spending time with the Lord, it won't be anything that my mind bombarded with me earlier.

Unknown said...

Good advice Edge, and for that matter each of you.